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tv   New Day Sunday  CNN  May 15, 2016 3:00am-5:01am PDT

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only with xfinity. i'm encouraged with the beginning of this process. it is no secret that donald trump and i have had some disagreements. >> we're going to start winning, winning, winning. >> he was never a boss. he was a leader. >> not the old one. we get along with everybody, except one. >> i was swallowed in the deep fog of grief. what i think of as the void.
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lazy sunday morning. i'm christi paul. >> i'm victor blackwell. >> the courtship between pawn u paul ryan and donald trump. they're warming to one another, but the house speaker, like many in new relationships, wants to take it slow. >> those are words for soem peop -- slow for some people. let's just take it slow. still not offering his endorsement to the republican nominee, however, the divide seems to be closing a bit. the team also meet together to go over policy. no word as to whether trump or ryan will be there in person. but while policy may be on the table, paul ryan does say bringing the republican party together for the general election is still issue number one. >> it is no secret that donald trump and i have had some disagreements. it is no secret that we from time to time clash on an issue or two. that happens with people. that happens with republicans. the question is, can we put
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together a process that really actually helps get our party unified so we're at full strength in the full and based upon the meetings that we had on thursday, i'm encouraged with the beginning of the process. >> but for a group of top republicans there is still blood in the water, after trump chewed through the primary there. the solution, throw a third party in. one person on the list, yeah, billionaire mark cuban. he tells cnn, he was recently recruited to run against donald trump. he said it would have been fun, but i thinks it is too late into the game to jump in. a lot to discuss now. let's bring in a republican strategist and former supporter of marco rubio, and kelly riddle, reporter for the washington times and donald trump supporter. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> evan, i want to start with you in the "washington post" report that will is this effort, let's put up the list of recruiters here trying to draft
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a third party candidate, a conservative they would describe alternative to donald trump. you've got william crystal here, mitt romney, former nominee, eric erickson, the faces of they're trying to recruit them, secretary of state, cana condol rice, as well as others. i'm coming to you first. these candidates have publicly distanced themselves from this effort. one would expect that's what they would say. how credible is the effort that you believe there would be a third party alternative in november? >> this effort is very credible. right now, republicans have a problem, not so much in donald trump, but in many conservatives do not feel like going out and voting come november. and we have many vulnerable house and senate republicans who need to be protected and they need the republican voter whose will stay home and support them.
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otherwise they're going lose and the house and senate could flip to democrats. so if you get somebody who will go on essentially a suicide mission, like bill sasse, to come out and vote for them and be out there to support them, that's only a positive. >> so let's go to that, kelly. >> yeah. >> the central concern here is that people have serious concerns and will have those concerns in six months about donald trump will stay home. what is the campaign doing to quell those concerns, if snig? -- anything? >> it won over a bunch of critics. if you look at how trump can seal the deal, he certainly did so last week, even got on the phone with lindsey graham, who said he had a great conversation. and here is a person who is actively against trump. i think we're going to see paul ryan come on board. the courtship will take a while. we're going to talk policy,
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we're going to basically come together as a party. this whole idea that there is going to be a conservative white knight on the ballot is ridiculous. the texas ballot is already closed. they won't be able to get on 50 states. it is a suicide mission for the republican party and no one has signed up for it, and it is a vee small group of people. the same names you hear over and over again. mitt romney, eric erickson. they're trying to make their voices larger than it is. >> let's put the possible candidates back up here. if you looked at this screen, you saw mark cuban, the owner of the dallas mavericks, star of "shark tank." are they looking for another reality show billionaire? what do we know about him? >> well, listen, mark cuban is a colorful character just like donald trump, but doesn't come off as having the judgment and
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temperament issues that trump does. that's scary for many conservative voters. in an outsider year, mark cuban is that. and he portrays this, listen, i'm not in washington, i know how to be successful, i am a a billionaire, i run a championship nba team. that may resonate with people, but more on the conservative side of the spectrum. >> he told the "washington post" this morning in an article he is not running. this is all pipe dreams. there is no credible third party that's going to emerge on the ticket. >> let me read something that reportedly mark cuban sent out to hfollowers on twitter. i want smaller, smarter government. put aside that i disagree with most republicans. they have a bigger problem that will crush them until this
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changes. the republican party requires that all presidential candidates conform to consensus. until things change, i'll sit in the middle and think for myself, unlike the republicans. why would these men white knight as kelly said go after mark cuban? did they not do the research? look into his political views. >> i think the research has been done, but i think that mark cuban hits on an important point here. they have an ee lolectoral math problem. we are viewed increasingly as a party of the past, by the millennials, the largest generation in the country. we need them to vote for republicans in the future, otherwise we're going to have to be relying on baby boomers and rural voters who are a shrinking vote. >> well, 90% of the base of the republican base needs to turn
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out in order for us to win the white house in november. so it's very important that our party unite and come together as a whole. all different fractions, the big tens. we need to come together. if we're serious about winning the white house in november. >> finally to you kelly, and it seems as if this past week, donald trump had started to work to bring the republican establishment into the fold, meeting with paul ryan, meeting with the leaders in the house and senate, and then there were some questions about his outsider street cred, if he get this is group behind him, is he an outsider, he is going to go after them on the stump, as he continues campaigning through the rest of the primaries or stay focused on hillary clinton? the question is, is he going to turn fire on other republicans, or continue to focus on the democrats? >> i think he is going to continue to focus on hillary clinton and he would be wise to do that. because as i said earlier, this
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is a very small group of republicans, and they are the same exact names, bill kristol, eric erickson, mitt romney, trying to disrupt. it's best to ignore it, and they're not going any where. >> if it such a small group of republicans -- hold on. if it is such a small group of republicans, how come utah is polling it could be in reach, same with georgia. >> we have to wrap it there. we'll look at how the map is shifting this cycle. kelly, evan, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> christi. a massive explosion seen outside baghdad. look at these pictures coming in, after isis attack a gas plant there. five police officers were killed in the attack, and three storage tanks caught fire, as you can see. 13 other people were wounded. this is an attack that started with two suicide bombs, then six militants tried to storm the plant. it was stopped by security
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forces. also, we want sthoe you pictures of a massive fire that broke out in brazil. it happened about 5:00. it destroyed several houses. one person was injured, but no deaths have been reported. two vehicles catch fire near disney's animal kingdom in orlando, after an suv crashed into a bus, 11 people are hospitalized, eight other people were not injured. red hot chilli peppers front man has been hospitalized. the band had to cancel the concert, and no word why he had to go to the hospital, nor are we getting word on his condition. we'll keep you posted on what we hear. this massive biker brawl in texas, you'll see the beginnings of it here left nine men dead, nearly 200 people arrested. well, now, a year later, the
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leaders of rival gangs are speaking, and only to cnn. also, ted cruz warning the gop about, quote, challenging days ahead, as he makes his first major speech since dropping out of the race. we'll talk about what he means by that statement. also a moving speech from facebook coo cheryl sandberg, opening up about the death of her husband for the first time publicly. >> one year and 13 days ago, i lost my husband, dave. his death was sudden and unexpected. i took a nap. he went to work out. what followed was the unthinkab unthinkable. my belly pain and constipation?
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kind of like this look. i'm calling it the "name your price tool" phase. whatever. ted cruz making his first speech after his failed president d presidential bid, he warned the crowd about the future of the gop. >> i don't know what the future will hold. we may face some challenging days ahead. we may face growing challenges going ahead, but i am convinced that movement, the men and women gathered here will be the remnant of pulling this country back from the abyss. >> cnn political contributor and anchor for the warner cable news, errol louis with us now. good morning to you, errol.
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can you hear me? never fails on a sunday morning. hey, errol, can you hear me? >> yes, i can. >> good morning to you. i don't know if you just heard what we were playing from ted cruz. i know that you're familiar with it. and one of the things that stood out to a lot of people is when he talked about, quote, challenging days for republicans. what is your take on that phrase? >> well, it can mean either of two things. i read it as having a double meaning. one is he clearly believes, as he has said often on the stump, christi, that he thinks the republicans with donald trump at the top of the ticket could be in for a political blood bath. that they could lose quit a lot of seats. they could lose control of the senate, might even lose control of the house. certainly might not win the white house at all. and then there is this other kind of meeting that comes with it, which is that he is a conservative, and he believes that conservatives have their
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own sort of, in some ways separate destinies that includes winning a lot of seats with and through the republican party but stand force things over and above and apart from the political party. so he was -- this was not a cheerful speech that he was giving. he was suggesting that there could be a lot at stake and there is a lot that people could lose come november. >> in fact, you mentioned it. let's listen here to what he said about what it means to be a real con certificate testify. >> if you want to know how to tell if someone is a conservative, you can listen carefully. if they assistant in front of you and say this is what government is going to do for you, they ain't a conservative. if they instead talk about this is how we're going to keep government out of your way so that you can achieve the american dream, that means they are a conservative. >> is it important for cruz to
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get behind donald trump, and do you think it will ever happen? >> well, i mean, i think for donald trump, any and every elected republican or person of any political weight that he can get behind him will be needed. he has a very steep uphill climb. the math is not favorable to republicans. we saw what happened to mitt romney just four years ago, and donald trump never having run for any office before, i mean, christi, he never ran for city council, you know. he has a lot to do. >> he has a lot to do inside. but outside, look at his crowds. look at his numbers. look at the people who show up for him. inside the establishment, that's where the work needs to be done, yes? >> well, look, the crowds, donald trump is very proud of the fact and justifiably so he has gotten more votes than any republican primary candidate in history, and he got 10 million votes, which sounds great until you look across the aisle and you see hillary clinton got over 12 million votes. you play it down to november,
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that's not going to be a winning formula. >> talk about that for us really quickly here. the primary electorate is very dichb than the general election electorate. >> talking heads and consultants and political scientists have been trying to convey to the trump supporters. it is a much smaller, much narrower, wider electorate that votes in the primary. so you've got young people, you've got libterians a record number of people could be voting in the fall, christi. that's not the kind of approach to try to talk to 140 million people. what we've heard from donald trump with the profanity and the gimmicks and the insults and the childish behavior, all of that kind of stuff, people have warned him, that is not going to
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play well and not necessarily work out for you or the rest of the republican ticket. that was what ted cruz was alluding to as well. >> errol, thank you. >> thank you. it is one of the deadliest brawls in the history, long history of outlaw biker gangs. now two gangs go head to head, leaving nine dead, almost 200 people, and now a year later, only cnn is going inside the texas shoot-out to get answers. donald trump facing an uphill battle when it comes to females specifically, but one former executive who says working for him was the chance of a lifetime. a cnn exclusive for you, just ahead. ♪ type 2 diabetes doesn't care who you are.
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investigating one of the deadliest shoot-outs in outlaw biker history. it was one year ago when an all out war triggerd this kay ot tech scene. this happened at the twin peaks restaurant in waco, texas. when the bullets stopped flying, nine men dead, 177 bikers were then arrested. our ed lavenderian got some exclusive interviews, secret danger of biker gangs. good morning, ed. >> victor and christi, even the most hardened biker that what went down in waco last year is the wildest, most insane chapter in outlaw biker history. wither ae going take you inside,
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uncovering key evidence and bringing you exclusive interviews from bikers that have never talked about what happened that day. these are people that are the worst of the worst, badest of the bad. not every member of the organization is an outlaw, but certainly there are members of the organizations that are committing criminal acts. >> the majority of america's motorcycle clubs preach camaraderie and the love of riding. but in some, there is a more sinister side. >> this has nothing to do with do-gooders or choir boys, but it is not this huge criminal unds . >> he was president of the chicago outlaws. on the streets, he goes by "big
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pete." >> the band didos are a powerfu club and 1%. >> one percenters believe the rules apply to 99% of us don't apply to them. one percenters hardly ever talk, but we have managed to get exclusive access to the two rival clubs involved in the waco shot-out. he lives in this area north of houston, behind these trees and iron gait, never has allowed cameras inside, until now. >> come here, you guys. you hungry? come on. >> reporter: it's interesting to come out here. it is real peaceful and quiet
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out here. in a lot of ways, your life is not that quiet and peaceful. >> not right now, but it has been for a decade. >> reporter: jeff pike has worn the vest for more than 35 years. and he has been their national president for the last ten. >> the new bandit tows are not the old ones. we get along with everyone, except one. >> reporter: we'll explore that, between the cossacks, what led up to this and what will happen next. victor and christi. >> all right, be sure to watch the cnn special report, tomorrow night, "biker brawl inside the shootout" tomorrow night at 9:00 p.m. eastern. a former trump executive talking about her time with donald trump in this exclusive
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cnn interview. >> how he is as a boss? >> he was never a boss. >> how would you -- >> he was never a boss. he was a leader. >> find out why she says the glass ceiling was only two feet high for women when it came for working for trump. my advice for looking younger longer? get your beauty sleep and use new aveeno® absolutely ageless® night cream with active naturals® blackberry complex. younger looking skin can start today. new absolutely ageless® from aveeno®. because my teeth are yellow. these photos? why don't you use a whitening toothpaste? i'm afraid it's bad for my teeth. try crest 3d white. crest 3d white diamond strong toothpaste and rinse...
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29 minutes until the top of the hour. search crews will be back out on the gulf of mexico today. >> resuming their search for a woman who fell off a ship of the carnival cruise line. she fell off at the ship at 2:00 in the morning, they're searching a 3,000 square mile area. millions of dollars may be on the way to help fight the zika virus. the gop has resisted approving the $1.9 billion request by president obama, but they are now preparing their own spending package. according to the chairman of house appropriations, the measure will be introduced on monday. it will provide a little less than $1 billion to fight the disease. >> for the first time we're hearing from the mother of james holmes, the man who opened fire at a colorado movie theater. he killed 12 people and injured 70 others. remember this. he is serving 12 consecutive life sentences now, and his
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mother, condemns what he did. she has a message about her experience during mental health awareness month. seek help. >> don't try to do like he did, and i did, which is try and just keep going, or solve everything yourself. you need the help of a professional. as donald trump moves toward general election strategy, one of his big hurdles according to polls will be appealing to women voters. cnn political reporter, maeve resten has a look at what he is up against. >> we love the women. we won with women. we won with men. i would rather win with women to be honest. >> epic showdown this fall between donald trump and hillary clinton. vying to be the first woman president. the big question over the match-up, what's the deal
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between donald trump and women. there is a paradox there. closest to him, his daughters, his wife, some of the women who have worked for him over the years, say he has been a model father and boss, yet he has had high profile clashes with women over the years. >> rosie is i destructive person. >> i think she has got a beautiful face and i think she is a beautiful woman. blood coming out of her where ever. >> he has written eyebrow raising things about women in his books. he claimed that women have one of the great acts of all time. the smart ones act feminine and now he is accusing hillary clinton of playing the woman card. >> the only card she has is the woman's card. >> suggesting she has been an enabler. what are women voters supposed to make of it all?
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in our march cnn poll, 70% viewed trump unfavorably. that's a trend headed downward for trump since last december. he hasn't signaled his strategy yet for how he intends to reverse the numbers, other than to say he would be a great president for women, and no one respects them more than he does. so with numbers that challenging, can he pull it off? we're talking about donald trump. we're not making any predictions. >> despite that cnn poll, there is one woman who sings the praises of donald trump. louise sunshine, a former executive that the glass ceiling was nearly nonexistent with her former boss. >> there was no boardroom. that's number one. the boardroom was in donald's head. the boardroom was all of these ideas he had, the vision he had, and if you could buy into thinks
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vision and you were trustworthy and you were intelligent, and you were proactive, proactive was the key. you were proactive, and you were dynamic and you can hold your own, you were in it, the glass ceiling was about, if the ceiling today is -- my ceiling is 22 feet high, in my home, and the ceiling then could have been two feet high, maybe one foot. every once in a while, in your lifetime, there comes a person or an opportunity or a person with an opportunity, you know, and i am a woman. and women don't have these opportunities very often. >> before the hit tv show "apprentice" she played a real
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life version. >> how was he a boss. >> he was never a boss. he was never a boss. he was a leader. it is a lot different to have a boss than a leader. he was a leader. he taught me. he mentored me. he showed me the way. i absorbed from donald, i considered it -- >> you're impressed. >> the greatest opportunity probably that i would ever have in my lifetime. that's it. i was like smitten. >> you can catch more of ms. sunshine's interview this afternoon at 2:00 p.m. president obama gets some help from a superstar rapper with a very important message about addiction. and facebook c.o.o. sheryl sandberg opening up about the death of her husband, and learning to cope with grief.
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call or go online today to switch to x1. 41 minutes past the hour, and this is new for you this morning. a powerful moving speech from facebook executive sheryl sandberg to berkeley graduates. she spoke for the first time about her husband's death, her grief, and about resilience. >> i'm not going to tell you today what i learned in life. today, i'm going to try to tell you what i learned in death. i've not spoken about this publicly before and it is hard. but i promise not to blow my nose on this beautiful berkeley rose.
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one year and 13 days ago, i lost my husband, dave. his death was sudden and unexpected. we were in mexico, celebrating a friend's 50th birthday party. i took a nap. he went to work out. what followed was the unthinkab unthinkable. i walked into a gym to find him lying on the floor. i flew home to tell my children that their father was gone. i watched his casket being lowered into the ground. for many months afterwards at many times since, i was swallowed in the deep fog of grief, what i think of as the void. an emptiness that fills your heart and your lungs, constricts your ability to think or even to breathe. dave's death changed me in very profound ways. i learned about the depths of
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sadness and the brutality of loss. but i also learned that when life sucks you under, you can kick against the bottom, find the surface, and breathe again. >> really strong woman there. dave goldberg, as you heard, suddenly died when they were in mexico last year. president obama is enlisting some superstar power in the fight against drug abuse. mr. obama teamed up with rapper macklemore yesterday, for the weekly white house address, one we've discussed on this show and across the network, opioid addiction. >> hey, everybody. i'm here with president obama. because i take this personally. i abused prescription drugs and battled addiction. if i hadn't gotten the help i needed when i need it, i would
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not be here today. i want to help others facing the same challenges than i did. >> they take more lives than traffic accidents. deaths have tripled since 2000. a lot of times from legal drugs prescribed about a doctor. addiction doesn't always start in a dark alley. it often starts in a medicine cabinet. >> you heard part of the message there, and they say that also the president here calling oh on congress to pass a $1.1 billion funding package to offer treatment to people addicted to opioids. wondering what you think about this. legendary anchor tom brokaw. >> if i were speaking at alabama i would have to use shorter words an sentences.
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oh, as you know, it is graduation season, celebrities giving advice. >> some speeches inspiring, some not so much. some are unforgettable. andy scholes is here with a couple of those. >> the schools trying to bring in the big names. ole miss had former nbc anchor tom brokaw clear the address yesterday for their graduation and he wasn't afraid to take a shot at one of the school's biggest rivals in his speech. take a listen. >> i'm so relieved to be speaking to a graduating class from ole miss, if i were speaking at alabama, i would
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have to use smaller words and shorter sentences. >> got lots of laughs in the crowd, but i'm sure there were some alabama, i mean, it is not far, alabama people in the crowd, saying whatever, roll tide. >> you have to play to the majority there. >> they loved it. another commencement speech, russell wilson at his alma mater, speaking to the greats at the university of wisconsin. the former badger had sage advice for the 5,500 new graduates there. >> if you're dating a woman way out of your league, ask her to marry you. if you can throw a football 80 yards, for some reason, people think that's pretty cool. you're playing new england patriots in the super bowl, 26 seconds left, down by four, second and goal on the one yard line, try not to throw an interception.
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>> good thing he can laugh about it now. it wasn't so funny just a couple of years ago. >> they laughed. i still think he feels something there. >> the crowd laughed. >> that would be your moment, you know. >> your inner therapy, saying it over and over again. >> talk about it. >> the dating thing came in? >> he is marrying sierra. >> thank you, andy. all right, so we know beer comes in bottles and cans and barrels, but there a town in belgium. if there is any town in which this should happen, it should be in belgian. transporting it in pipes. >> a two-mile long beer pipe, underground. this is where it begins. the all-new audi a4, with apple carplay integration.
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(vo) whewe ate anything.ake home until i decided we both needed to eat better. now jake gets purina cat chow naturals indoor a nutritious formula for indoor cats with no artificial flavors. it helps to control hairballs and maintain a healthy weight. so these days, we're both eating better. naturally!! purina cat chow. nutrition to build better lives.
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make sure it's ano maintelligent one.. ♪ the all-new audi a4, with available virtual cockpit. ♪ that's a fact. but this whole "blondes have more fun" thing...
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♪ standing by for fun. ♪ justin timer lake, song competition, i guess there are many shows in that category, performing as a noncompetitor. >> i would think so. >> obviously, i think he has the career. it turned out to be a politically charged night, though. ♪ ♪ >> ukraine won the contest with 1944, a song about deportation
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about orders of stalin and they were quick to slam the song, calling it anti-russian. euro vision, congrats, @jamaal la #ukraine. so we've heard of oil pipelines, talked them about them on the show. gas pipelines as well. but have you ever heard of a beer pipeline? >> you heard it, a beer pipeline being built in a belgian town to transport beer from a local brewery. erin mclaughlin has the details. >> reporter: bruj bruges belgium, one of the best places to drink beer, but not much made here any more. most of them are gone, except
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for the helmav, the only one left within the town's walls but they had a big problem. the streets of the town are too small to transport to the bottling plant, so the solution, right over here. a two-mile long beer pipe, and this is where it begins. for 160 years, he has been brewing beer within the walls of bruges. they moved out of the town, creating a bottle of neck of beer trucks. he says this is the best way to keep the family tradition growing. >> i think we are the first one to do this, yeah. >> engineers drilled through the canals and cobbled streets, capable of transporting 4,000
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liter of beer. >> they were enthusiastic. up spon stainiously offering, they want to tap-in points, private tap points. >> are you worried about people tap news your pipeline? >> we are pretty sure technically it will not be possible. >> reporter: it gave him an idea, crowd fund the project's $4.5 million price tag. he came up with a scheme to exchange donations for beer. local restaurant owner gave over $11,000, and now gets free beer for life. >> i like the beer. i drink it everyday, but it is more for the friendship. >> and there is nothing like good friends and the crisp taste of freshly brewed beer. it is expected to start flowing the beginning of summer. in the meantime, let's have a
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taste. erin mclaughlin, cnn, burgess. >> posing as his own publicist for decades. >> he wasn't the only one getting the s nl treatment, digging at his former rivals who could be his running mate. watch this. >> mr. trump is the real life inspiration for ironman. i'm his publicist, joe pepperoni. i'm not donald trump in disguise. this is what classy people sound like, okay. >> dad, chris christie is here. he sort of wants to discuss potential vice-presidents. he has sort of been waiting downstairs for two hours. >> fine, send him in. >> hey, is that joey pepperoni i
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see. seriously, though, donald, i'm honored you asked me to help you find your next vp. >> i appreciate your help. i really do. i need someone experienced, loyal, strong. >> that sounds like somebody i know. >> it sounds like chris christie. wait, who said that. did you hear that? where did that come from. >> whatever. >> yeah, right. >> what have you got for me? >> i thought one strong option could be jeb bush. okay, but seriously, what about car carly fiorini. >> i feel a kinship. >> people look up to her.
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>> she is pee cup, tops. >> i wish i could work for somebody as funny as you some day. okay, moving on. >> and moving on. >> yeah. >> the show even mentioned more controversial picks. we are so grateful to have you start your morning with us. >> next hour starts right now. >> i'm encouraged with the beginning of this process. it is no secret that donald trump and i have had some disagreements. >> we're going to start winning, winning, winning. >> he was never a boss. he was a leader. >> the new banditos are not the only ones. we get along with everybody. >> i was in the deep fog of grief, what i think of as the void.
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oh, i know it's early, but we've been waiting for you. good morning, i'm christi paul. >> i'm victor blackwell. courtship between donald trump and paul ryan heats up. the house speaker, as we know, people want to take things slow. >> they may not be good words in a new relationship. but paul ryan yesterday, still not offering his endorsement to the presumptive republican nominee. but the divide between the two, does appear to be closing just a bit. ryan says his and trump's teams will meet this week to dig deeper on policy. there is no word yet as to whether trump or ryan will be there in person themselves, but while policy may be on the table, paul ryan says bringing the republican party together for the general election is still issue number one for them. >> it is no secret that donald trump and i have had some
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disagreements. it is no secret that we from time to time clash on an issue or two. that happens with people t happens with republicans. the question is, can we put together a process that really actually helps get our party unified so that we are at full strength in the fall and based upon the meetings on thursday, i'm encouraged with the beginning of the process. >> so for one group of top republicans, there is still blood in the water after trump chewed through the primary. their solution, a third party candidate into the shark tank so to speak. one prospect, mark cuban. he tells cnn he was recently recruited to run against donald trump. cnn senior media correspondent brian stelter looking into this. brian, good morning. what did he sba theay about thi? >> it sounds hard to believe, but the never trump movement trying to find a possible third party candidate. mark cuban tells me thanks but no thanks. he spoke to the "washington
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post" about this, and i followed up with him last night. he said as a third party candidate, it is too late. he thinks it would have been fun to run against donald trump. think about it. they're similar in some ways. brash billionaires, reality tv stars, expert at social media and neither have elected office experience. people have talked about cuban running for president before. there has been buzz in the past. he said he might think about t he thinks he would crush trump. but right now, it is not the right time. he says it is too late for a third party candidate. that's what a lot of political experts would say as well. it is not realistic. nobody would have a chance. michael bloomberg decided he didn't have a chance. the call to mark cuban shows how conservative leaders would really like to find an alternative. >> maybe an early look at him for future contests perhaps.
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brian, thank you so much. we appreciate it. >> thanks. >> be sure to catch brian on reliable sources. that is today at 11:00 a.m. eastern, right here on cnn. so let's expand this conversation. why mark cuban? another reality show billionaire to run for president. that's what i talked about earlier with evan sigfried, and kelly riddle, washington times reporter. watch this. >> mark cuban is a colorful character, just like donald trump, but doesn't come off as having the judgment and temperament issues that trump does. and that's scary for many conservative voters. in an outsider year, mark cuban is that. he portrays this, listen, i know how to be successful, after all, i am a billionaire and even run a championship nba team. that might be a message that resonates with people who are frustrated with washington, but more on the conservative side of the spectrum.
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>> mark cuban told the "washington post" this morning in an article that he is not interested in running. this is all pipe dreams. there is no credible third party that's going to emerge on the ticket. >> let me read for something that reportedly mark cuban sent out to his followers, reported by the dallas morning news. let's put it up on the screen. i would prefer to be a republican, i want smaller government. i want smarter government, just like most republicans. put aside that i disagree with republicans on most social issues. they have a much bigger problem that will crush them in every presidential election until this changes. they require that all presidential candidates conform to consensus. until things change, i'll sit in the middle and think for myself, unlike the republicans. why would these men, who are trying to put together the third party white knight as kelly said go after mark cuban? did they do not the research? have they not looked into his political views?
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>> i think the research has been done, but think that mark cuban hits on an important point here. they have an electoral math problem, not just in this election cycle, but everyone going forward. we are viewed increasingly as a party of the past by millennials, the largest generation in the country. we need them to come and vote for republican candidates in the future, otherwise, we're going to have to be relying on baby boomers and rur val voters who are shrinking group. >> cuban is one of several third party prospects being courted by prominent republicans. this morning, we heard from ben sasse's office. they declined to comment on the talks, but says senator sasse has been clear he does not want to run. isis militants have attacked a gas plant in baghdad. look add this. massive explosion seen outside the city that a cloud of fire and smoke there, seven police officers were killed in the
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attack. three storage tanks caught fire, you see here. 24 other people were wounded. the attacks started with militant bombs. take a look at this massive fire. it broke out in a crowded neighborhood in brazil. it happened about 5:00 local time, and very quickly destroyed several homes in the country's most populous city there. at least one person was injured, but thankfully, no deaths have been reported thus far. red hot chilli peppers front man anthony kitas has been hospit hospitaliz hospitalized. no word yet on why he was sent to the hospital, or his condition. all right, two days away now from the democratic primaries in kentucky and oregon. bernie sanders, favored to win in kentucky, which would be the first big southern win. should hillary clinton be concerned about maybe a sanders
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resurgence here? facebook chief operating officer, sheryl sandberg, hasn't spoken publicly about her husband's death until you now. what she reveals to new college graduates. also, a shoot-out between two rival biker gangs, cnn got exclusive access to the leader of the banditots. >> this has nothing do with do-gooders or choir boys, but on the other hand, it is not a big huge criminal enterprise that everybody thinks. the most shocking result was that i'm 26% native american. i had no idea. just to know this is what i'm made of, this is where my ancestors came from. and i absolutely want to know more about my native american heritage. it's opened up a whole new world for me. discover the story only your dna can tell.
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>> nine men were dead, 177 bikers were then arrested. ed lavendera went exclusive, all to dive inside this secret and dangerous world of biker gangs. good morning to you, ed. >> reporter: victor and christi, even the most hardened biker will tell you that what went down in waco last year is the wildest, most insane chapter in outlaw biker history. we're going to take you inside the shoot-out, bringing you exclusive interviews from bikers that have never talked about what happened that day. >> these are people that are the worst of the worst, the badest of the bad. not every member of the organization is an outlaw, but certainly, there are members of the organizations that commit criminal acts. >> reporter: the majority of america's motorcycle clubs preach camaraderie and the love
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of riding, but in some clubs, there is a more sinister side. >> this has got nothing do with do-gooders and philanthropists or choir boys, but on the other hand, it is not this great, huge criminal underprise that everyone thinks. >> reporter: pete james would know, for 16 years, he was president of the notorious chicago outlaws on the street, he goes by "big pete." >> the banditos are one of the largest clubs in the world. they have chapters all over. they are a powerful club. they're one percenters. >> reporter: one percenters like the banditos believe the rules that apply to 99% of us don't apply to them. one percenter biker clubs are considered outlaws.
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they hardly ever talk, but we've managed to get exclusive access to the two clubs involved in the waco shotout the president of the banditos lives in this rural neighborhood north of houston, behind these trees and iron gate, he is never allowed cameras inside, until now. >> come here, you guys. you hungry? come on. >> reporter: it's interesting to come out here. it is real peaceful and quiet. in a lot of ways, your world is not peaceful and quiet. >> it has been for a decade. >> reporter: jeff pike has worn the vest for 35 years. he has been their national president for the last ten. >> the new banditos are not the old ones. we get along with everybody, except one. >> reporter: that's the one we're here about. >> correct.
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>> reporter: and we'll explore the rivalry between the banditos and cossacks, what led up to waco, what happened that day and what's going to happen next. victor and christi. >> thank you, ed. do not miss "biker brawl" only on cnn. facebook c.o.o., sheryl sandberg, speaking publicly for the first time since her husband died a year ago. she is turning her grief and sadness into future business leaders. when life sucks you under, you can kick against the bottom and breathe again. if you're totally blind, you may also be struggling with non-24. calling 844-844-2424. or visit
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in this morning, this powerful, moving speech from facebook executive, sheriff sandberg. >> her husband, dave goldberg, died suddenly last may, while they were on vacation in mexico. she spoke for the first time about her husband's death, her grief, and resilience. >> one year and 13 days ago, i lost my husband, dave. his death was sudden and unexpected. we were in mexico, celebrating a friend's 50th birthday party. i took a nap, he went to work out. what followed was the unthinkable. i walked into a gym to find him lying on the floor. i flew home to tell my children that their father was gone.
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i watched his casket being lowered into the ground. for many months afterwards and at many times since, i was swallowed in the deep fog of grief, what i think of as the void, an emptiness that fills your heart and lungs, constricts your ability to think or even to breathe. dave's death changed me in very profound ways. i learned about the depths of sadness and the brutality of loss, but i also learned that when life sucks you under, you can kick against the bottom, find the surface, and breathe again. i learned that in the face of the void, or in the face of any
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search crews will be back out on the gulf of mexico today. >> resuming the search for a woman who fell off a carnival cruise ship, falling off the tenth floor at 2:00 in the morning on friday. crews are searching a 3,000 square mile area. 200 miles off the coast of galveston. look at this, suv crashed into a bus. 11 people are recovering in the hospital, including a child. eight other people involved in
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the crash were not injured. a massive explosion seen just outside baghdad. look at these pictures. isis militants attack a gas plant there, seven police officers were killed. and three storage tanks caught fire. 24 other people were wounded. this attack started with suicide bombs, and they tried to storm the plant. they were stopped by security forces. new this morning, hillary clinton and bernie sanders campaigning in kentucky today, ahead of tuesday's democratic primary. sanders still says he is planning to stay in the race until the end, but will he be able to win the nomination? chief correspondent, john king has details this morning. >> fresh off his win in west virginia, a big win it was over hillary clinton. bernie sanders winning every county. the vermont center saying he thinks it is possible he could catch hillary clinton in the pledged delegates.
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is it possible? it's possible, but it is a steep hill. look at the math right now. look at hillary clinton's lead. let's bring it out and show you the tale of the tape so far. pledged delegates, 294, she has won 26 contests, sanders won 20. she has won two of the last three, but she has a healthy lead in the contest, and now just 11 remaining. eight states plus puerto rico, district of columbia. kans can sanders catch up? he needs to win 67% of the remaining pledged delegates. 67%, just to catch her. he would beat her by one if he won 67% of the remaining delegates. is it possible? sure, he won idaho with 78%. you get 78%, you're getting about 78% of the delegates.
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he won the state of washington with more than 70%, so sanders can say there are two examples of me beating her by that big margin. but realistically, west virginia, he had 51% of the vote. a week previous to that in indiana, 52% of the vote. michigan, he was below 50%. wisconsin, 56%. so convincing wins, good wins, but not the 67% he needs to make it happen. so can he do it? is it mathematically possible, yes. based on everything we've seen in the contests so far, is it likely, absolutely not. and plus, we should remember, hillary clinton also has a wildcard. she has right now more than 500 appointed democrats, super delegates elected democrats, they get votes at the convention, now, if sanders can win out, run the board in the remaining 11 contests, would they panic and switch their votes, yes, of course they
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would. that's called politics. but that means sanders would have to win all of the 11 left or win 9 of 11, 8 of 11. what secretary clinton is counting on is to split them. and if she keeps - if that hatches, she keeps the support, the super delegates would be enough to push her over the victory line. kansanders do it, yes, but would you get good odds in las vegas, absolutely not. let's bring in hillary clinton supporter and bernie sanders supporters. ladies, thank you for being here. i want to play some sound that we can listen to together here from bernie sanders at a rally yesterday. >> nobody would have believed that we would receive well over 9 million votes at this point in the campaign. and very few people would have believed that this coming
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tuesday, we're going to win a great victory right here in kentucky. >> it is a very close race in kentucky, no doubt about it. he is expected to win it. if he continues to win, especially that one, that first big southern state, ambassador cook, what does that mean? has he taken the clinton camp by surprise? >> what it means is i'll use his words, nobody would believe that america still does not have a female president. we're supposed to be the most progressive place on earth. it is a contest. that's what political debate, pl political contest it. she is a formidable, strong candidate. america needs to wake up. the rest of the world is laughing at us because we are not a female president and then what's going on in the presidential election is just disgraceful. >> the numbers we heard there,
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mickey, it's possible, it's not probable. how much is the sanders campaign possibly betting on trying to win over some of the 516 super delegates to make it happen for them? >> i sure hope they're betting a lot on it. because you know, if it really was going to come down to super delegates, we should call the race back in august of 2015, when hillary clinton stacked up over 450 endorsements from super delegates, who are really unbound until the convention floor based on dnc rules. as john king said earlier, most of the super delegates are elected officials and quite a few of them have decided to endorse hillary clinton despite overwhelming numbers in their districts where their districts have turned out in favor of bernie sanders. so if we can flip those and we go into the convention which based on the mathematical probability looks likely, both candidates have to reach 2,383 pledged delegates before the convention.
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we've talked about this before. the momentum is on the side of bernie sanders right now. he has won 19 of the last 25 states, 54% of pledged delegates since super tess. 10% difference between the two right now. h this is a real rice. it is the second closest in history since we've been doing this. with wh what this highlights is the democratic process on the primary is flawed. it shouldn't come down to super delega d delegates equaling -- >> california will be the big ticket item here. there are 475 delegates up for stake. hillary clinton wins that, ambassador cook, it's over. >> it's definitely over. >> very much so, california is focusing on her. this is not the first time she has been going there. people have been raising money and going there for the last two
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years. california a win. it is a shoe-in. we're going to see her as the nominee on the democratic floomp floor. i've seen her since she was first lady in the white house. she has a track star. she was a superstar as a secretary of state for the united states of america. people will come to their senses -- >> a contest this close -- >> well, you know, when you run a race, you don't expect anything. you have no expectations other than you'll win at the end of the day. if it was not a strong opponent, it wouldn't be a good race. for the first time, we have a really strong democratic owe pone the-- opponent. she is in it to win it. i am a female candidate. i understand at some point, they want to squash the candidates. trump says she is playing the woman's card. she is a strong woman, strong candidate and she'll be the nominee. >> she is having a problem with millennial women. >> including myself. >> and when you look at
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california, micki, what will bernie sanders do in california? >> right, well, so the reality is that we don't have winner take all states as we all know, right. california has 475 pledged delegates. even if it is a tie or close, neither candidate will get to that magical number. and so right now, in one of the latest polls, think it was fox news, said they're in a tie california. that momentum will continue to grow. this is all by design. in the early '80s, we changed the rules, the democratic party, to favor the establishment or conservative candidates for the general elections in the '80s, when it was a more conservative country. that's why california, a much more progressive state, is stacked at the end. it's the last primary. the numbers favor bernie sanders going into california. but to push back on your point about being a woman -- >> i don't know that they stake against him, but they're pretty close. >> they're very close, correct.
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but to go back to another point about being a woman, as a millennial woman, what is important here is that women in particular look at records. it is not just about having a strong female president which we all want and overdue. it is being have a strong female president that has the right judgment, because it is going to set the tone, set the reputation for other women to run for office. what women are seeing is that the '90s era policies and hillary clinton's track record at the state department are not in -- they're not parallel to the democratic party of today. it is a pro trade, pro corporate agenda that is not who we are as a democratic party. >> ambassador cook, what do you say to that. >> as a non-millennia woman, we do look at the record. i know women who have been working for hillary for a long time. so you're one that may not be on her side, but that's one. i think at the end of the day, we look at the entire record in
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terms of what that person can bring to the table. when we're looking at a presidential candidate, we want to make sure they can run america, but they're worldwide and deal with foreign policy as well. >> ladies -- >> what has bernie done? >> i'm getting wrapped and we'll just have to re-visit this again sometime soon. thank you so much. appreciate both of you. >> thank you for having us. >> sure. cnn by the way, getting the last voice in there, isn't she? cnn will have coverage of the kentucky and oregon primaries all day on tuesday. do be with us then. let's talk about ted cruz, warning the gop about challenging days ahead, his words there, as he makes his first major speech since dropping out of the race. what does he mean by that statement? ever. gy moves faster tn the all-new audi a4, with apple carplay integration.
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so ted cruz snapping donald trump it seemed to many in his first major speech after a failed bid for the presidency, even failing to mention him by name or offer an endorsement. take a listen. >> i don't know what the future will hold. we may face some challenging days ahead. we may face growing challenges going ahead. but i am convinced, that movement, the men and women gathered here, will be the remnant, be will the core of pulling this country back from the abyss. >> cruz did take a veiled swipe, saying republicans should be suspicious of conservatives who talk about big government. >> you want to know how to tell if someone is a conservative,
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you can listen carefully. if they stand in front of you and say this is what government will do for you, they ain't a conservative. if they instead talk about this is how we're going to keep government out of your way so that you can achieve the american dream, that means they are a conservative. >> what you did not hear was ted cruz endorse donald trump, and he is not the only person who has held back. house speaker paul ryan also said he is yet to get to the point. here to discuss, host of cnn state of the union, jake tapper. good morning to you, jang. >> good morning, victor. >> the talking points on capitol hill were disseminated, talk of progress, smiling pictures tweeted out after donald trump was in washington, but how long does the divide going on? do they eventually coalesce behind donald trump, or does
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this fracture continue up to november? >> i think largely the republican leadership in washington will coalesce around donald trump, and that includes speaker ryan. i do think that there is a recognition that donald trump is the nominee, and he is the one that the republican voters have chosen, and there is a need for people to coalesce around him. but i do think there are three group, people who are uniting around donald trump, even though he wasn't their first choice, such as mitch mcconnell, there are those who will never quite get there enthusiastically, and those will likely include senator ted cruz and senator marco rubio. others in the senate who are running for reelection from states that are either blue or purple, like kelly ayotte from new hampshire. but they'll never full throatedly endorse donald trump. then there is this third group we've covered, which is the individuals who are never trump,
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and they include senator ben sasse from nebraska as well as many republican pundits, including bill kristol and essie cup and others. ultimately will never rally around donald trump and will ultimately vote third party in the fall. >> and reportedly still looking for the third party candidate. let's talk about what's coming up this morning. you've got live with you, trump's convention manager, paul manafort, as well as a rumored vp pick for trump. >> no, rumor pick for hillary clinton. >> my apologies. >> democratic senator from ohio, very progressive, and there is a lot of speculation not only because he comes from such a pivotal ba battle ground state, but he recommends the progressive wing of the democratic party, may be a good way for hillary clinton to shore up her support. but also paul manafort, donald trump's top aide and i really want to ask him about that
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meeting that trump had with paul ryan, speaker of the house, on thursday. ryan's people are out there saying that the meeting couldn't have gone better. trump provided every reassurance that they wanted to hear about how he would comport himself. ryan has had trouble about some of the things trump has had to say, specifically muslims, as it relates to latinos and women. but they say they got all the a r sure rans. donald trump is talking to maureen dowd saying the exact opposite. basically all ryan did was talk about what an amazing candidate trump was, and no talk of him changing his behavior. he has to be me, he has to be himself. so we'll find out what actually happened at that meeting, or we'll try to. and lots of questions about when he will release his tax returns and more. >> looking forward to it.
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i'm sure sherod brown would be surprised to be on donald trump's short list. >> yes. >> don't misstate of the union with jake tapper, 9:00 eastern. president obama enlisting some superstar power in the fight against drug abuse. the president teamed up with rapper macklemore yesterday in his weekly white house address, tackling one of the issues. >> i'm here with barack obama, because i take this personally. i abuse prescription drugs and battled addiction. if i didn't get the help i needed, i definitely would not be here today. i want to help others facing the same challenges that i did. >> drug overdoses take more lives every year than traffic accidents. that's from opioid overdos have tripled since 2000. a lot of time, they're from legal drugs prescribed by a
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doctor. addiction doesn't always start in some dark alley. it often starts in a medicine cabinet. >> the pair sent the message the same day the president called on congress to pass the $1.1 billion in new funding in his budget to offer treatment to people addicted to opioids. donald trump getting enthusiastic cheers, but women in the latest polls are not as enthusiastic. he is trying to turn it around, and in the eyes of some women, donald trump has been anything but friendly. one of his former executives talks exclusively with cnn. >> how he is as a boss? >> he was never a boss. >> how would you -- >> he was never a boss. he was a leader. and i didn't get here alone. there were people who listened along the way. people who gave me options.
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united states postal service priority: you a former donald trump executive says he was more than a boss to her. he was a leader. she means in a very positive way. >> louise sunshine worked for trump for more than a decade and sat down with fredricka for an exclusive interview talking about >> there was no board room, that's number one. the board room was in donald's head. the board room was all of these ideas he had, the vision he had,
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and if you could buy into his vision and you were trustworthy, and you were intelligent, and you were proactive -- proactive was the key, and you were proactive, and you were dynamic and you could hold your own, you were in it, the glass ceiling was about, if the ceiling today is my ceiling is 22 feet high in my home and the ceiling then could have been two feet high, my one foot. every once in a while in your lifetime there comes a person or an opportunity or a person with an opportunity you know, and i'm a woman, and women don't have these opportunities very often. >> reporter: before the hit tv show "apprentice" sunshine played a role in the real life
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version. how is he as a boss? >> he was never a boss. he was never a boss. he was a leader. it's a lot different to have a boss than a leader. he was a leader. he taught me. he mentored me. he showed me the way. i absorbed from donald. i considered it -- >> you were impressed? >> -- the greatest opportunity probably that i would ever have in my lifetime. that's it. i was like smitten. >> so despite her praise for trump a new poll shows nearly tloo quarters of all female voters view trump unfavorably, along with 40% of female republican voters. eric brennan is with us now. is there a chance, eric, a sense that these numbers are insurmountable at all?
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>> well, they're historically high for a presidential nominee. they're they difficult to overcome. trump has advantages among white male voters, but these advantages are being totally eroded by his problems with women, and it's going to be tough to overcome them, because there's so much evidence of trump attacking women on video throughout the years, in radio interviews with howard stern n comments that were printed. he's even this morning attacking the clintons, attacking hillary clinton again on twitter over her husband's marital infidelity. so it's not just that he has these really historically high unfavorable ratings. it's that there's a lot of ammo that democrats and his opponents can use against him to keep him from sort of improving these numbers so yeah, if he can't do that, there's no way he could win. ? >> just this morning, too, attacking a "new york times"
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article detailing unnerving encounters with women but considering a lot of people have been calling him the teflon candidate, how effective would that article be in trying to hurt him, if that is the point. >> right. so the "new york times" is obviously not popular among conservative voters. i think what people have to keep in mind is the republican primary electorate and the general electric terrorate are two entirely different things. yes donald trump has been able to sort of have everything bounce off him without any effect in the primary contest, but that's not the general election. it's going to be a totally different electorate, a group of voters who have not been voting in republican contests but have been paying attention to trump's comments this entire time and he hasn't had to face those voters. the poll numbers we're seeing so far suggest he is in deep trouble with women. >> all right, eric bradner we appreciate it, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> catch more of miss sunshine's
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interview with newsroom with fredricka whitfield this afternoon at 2:00 p.m. up next the best of "saturday night live," the sketches that skewered donald trump over potential vp picks. en without checking the spice level. it really opens the passages. waiter. water. so why would you invest without checking brokercheck? check your broker with brokercheck. (vo) whewe ate anything.ake home until i decided we both needed to eat better. now jake gets purina cat chow naturals indoor a nutritious formula for indoor cats with no artificial flavors. it helps to control hairballs and maintain a healthy weight. so these days, we're both eating better. naturally!! purina cat chow. nutrition to build better lives. to folks out there whose diabetic nerve pain... shoots and burns its way into your day,
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legendary anchor tom brokaw has a way with words, of course, and did not mince them while giving the commencement address at university of mississippi. >> while giving that speech at ole miss he took a shot at the school's rival the university of alabama. watch this. >> if i were speaking at alabama, i would have to use smaller words and shorter
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sentences. >> this is that time of year, everybody's giving a speech and -- >> little rivalry is okay. >> it is. >> donald trump i don't know if he agrees, "snl" treatment. the cast at "saturday night live" spoofing the republican nominee's options for running mates. >> the biggest punches went to his former rivals though, the cast mocks chris christie's alliance with trump and they pick out a couple more controversial possibilities. take a look. >> how about a guy from a swing state, florida, he's half hispanic with a proven track record of standing up for him? >> george zimmerman. >> no. no, no, no, no, marco rubio. >> oh, little marco. i can't ask him to be vp until his parents sign the release form. i need someone who can lead. where do i find that? >> beats me. oh my -- how did this get in
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here? now that is crazy. look at that, maybe, yes? maybe no? okay, all right. now this next one it's a little outside the box but i feel very strongly about it, hear me out, bruce springsteen. come on, he's the boss, you're the boss. he was born to run. >> he's a democrat. >> he is a god! i'm sorry. do you have any idea, sir? >> what about john kasich, he's smart, experienced, cohelp us in ohio. >> he said he's not interested. >> he's a loser. big, fat loser. what about nikki haley. >> also not interested. >> ted cruz? >> hard no. >> paul ryan? >> he said not right now but he will see you in hell. you are such a special candidate. ♪ maybe, just maybe the person you've been looking for this whole time is standing in this room right now.
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>> you're so right. ben carson you want to be vice president? >> oh, that would be helllaexciting. >> think about how much they prep to get the cadence and everything just right. >> but i don't know if ben carson's ever said hell hellla exciting. >> that's true. we're so grateful you spent your morning with us. >> "inside politics" with john king starts right now. republican speed dating. donald trump courts congress and declares unity. now the question? is this a relationship that can last? >> the process of unifying the republican party takes some time. >> new tests for trump. controversial muslim ban. >> i'd like to back off as soon


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